💡 Introducing Tama: Your personal AI assistant helping you understand New Zealand tenancy legislation. Click here to learn more.

List your property for FREE and find the right tenant for you

The most important part of any tenancy done right, without the stress.

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$94.00+ GST

Basic Tenant Check

$15.00+ GST
Per check
    Full Centrix credit report
    Socials check
    Background check

Comprehensive Tenant Check

$30.00+ GST
Per check
    Professional reference check
    Full Centrix credit report
    Detailed socials check
    Detailed background check
Listing your property

Multiple listings. One inbox. No stress.

    Manage all of your listings and enquiries from one inbox.
    Free, no commitment advertising with Keyhook & partners.
    Access to discounted Premium Trade Me advertising.
Vet potential tenants

Make the right choice with comprehensive tenant checks.

    Comprehensive & professional tenant checks.
    Manage and sort incoming applications.
    Conduct viewings, schedule reminders and record attendance and details.
Tenant Check Platforms
Complete paperwork

Turn an applicant into a tenant in minutes.

    Documents are pre-populated with information you've already provided.
    Bond is automatically filed with Tenancy Services.
    Create and sign custom leases with the help of our legal team.
Find a tenant

List your property now, free!

Manage multiple ads, find the right tenant for you and start your tenancy sooner with Keyhook.

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